Thanksgiving-Ready Bouquet

Thanksgiving-Ready Bouquet

Thanksgiving-Ready Bouquet 

With Thanksgiving right around the corner, we’re all looking for ways to liven up our table decor. This DIY bouquet is the perfect addition to your Thanksgiving ornamentation. The unique combination of eucalyptus, orange roses, orange LA hybrid lilies, and eryngium gives off a refreshed, autumnal feel, making this bouquet an excellent choice to kick off the fall season.



Here are the materials you will need:


Step 1: Trim and hydrate your flowers

Using flower cutters, trim the bottom of the flower stems to the desired length. Then, place the flowers in water for about 2-3 hours prior to arranging.


PRO TIP:  Cut the flower stems at an angle, this allows the flowers to drink the maximum amount of water. If they appear to be slightly wilted, follow these steps to revive your beautiful blooms.



Step 2: Prepare your flowers

Start by removing the corrugated wrap and de-leafing the roses. 

PRO TIP: Removing leaves is a great trick for ensuring petals get the most hydration possible. Leaves tend to absorb a large amount of moisture that should be going to the petals of the flower instead.



Step 3: Arrange the Eryngium and Eucalyptus

Gently arrange the baby blue eucalyptus and eryngium stems in the vase. Spread them out accordingly.. They will serve as a foundation for the rest of the flower arrangement. 



Step 4: Add the Orange Roses

Incorporate the stunning orange roses into the center of the bouquet. The vibrant color of this gorgeous flower will instantly draw attention to the bouquet. 



Step 5: Add the Lilies and finishing touches

Now is the time to add the focal flower, the orange LA hybrid lilies. Make sure to place the lilies throughout the center of your bouquet, and add any final touches as you’d like!



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Happy Blooming!

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