Our premium roses are available in a wide variety of colors and are sure to add elegance and class to any occasion. Our roses last twice as long as market-bought flowers! They are sustainably grown and are picked fresh from the farm and shipped directly to you.

  • Stem length: 16 in / 40 cm, 20 in / 50 cm, 24 in / 60 cm
  • Bloom size: approximately: 1.5 - 2+ in / 4 - 6+ cm
  • Season: available year-round
  • Grown in Ecuador
  • Suggested delivery date: 2 to 3 days before your event
  • Average vase life: with proper care and handling, approximately 7 days
  • 75 stems of 3 assorted colors selected by Grower, 3 bunches of 25 stems
  • 100 stems of 4 assorted colors selected by Grower, 4 bunches of 25 stems
  • 125 stems of 5 assorted colors selected by Grower, 5 bunches of 25 stems

Click here for the Roses Care and Handling Guide

Please check out our Shipping and Cancellation Policies

Note: Not for human or animal consumption.

Assorted Roses - Choose From 50 to 200 Stems

Regular price $77.98
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Our premium roses are available in a wide variety of colors and are sure to add elegance and class to any occasion. Our roses last twice as long as market-bought flowers! They are sustainably grown and are picked fresh from the farm and shipped directly to you.

  • Stem length: 16 in / 40 cm, 20 in / 50 cm, 24 in / 60 cm
  • Bloom size: approximately: 1.5 - 2+ in / 4 - 6+ cm
  • Season: available year-round
  • Grown in Ecuador
  • Suggested delivery date: 2 to 3 days before your event
  • Average vase life: with proper care and handling, approximately 7 days
  • 75 stems of 3 assorted colors selected by Grower, 3 bunches of 25 stems
  • 100 stems of 4 assorted colors selected by Grower, 4 bunches of 25 stems
  • 125 stems of 5 assorted colors selected by Grower, 5 bunches of 25 stems

Click here for the Roses Care and Handling Guide

Please check out our Shipping and Cancellation Policies

Note: Not for human or animal consumption.

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Customer Reviews

Based on 3 reviews
Juan PAblo Velasco
Nice Colors

I recently ordered roses from Bloomingmore.com and I'm amazed! The roses arrived fresh, vibrant, and beautifully packaged. They lasted longer than expected and filled my home with delightful fragrance. Ordering was easy, and the selection was great. I highly recommend Bloomingmore.com for quality flowers and excellent service!


The flowers did not look fresh at all. The pedals were very damaged. The stem was very soft from the top that flowers were bending down.

