The purple lisianthus is an elegant and delicate flower, known for its soft, velvety petals. Its blooms are bell-shaped and come in shades ranging from light lavender to deep purple. It is highly valued in floral arrangements for its beauty and long-lasting freshness in a vase.
- Stem length: 16-20 in / 40-50 cm
- Bloom size: approximately 2-2.3 in / 5-6 cm
- Grown in the Ecuador
- Suggested delivery date: 2 to 3 days before your event
- Average vase life: with proper care and handling, 5 to 7 days
Click here for the Lisianthus Care and Handling Guide
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The purple lisianthus is an elegant and delicate flower, known for its soft, velvety petals. Its blooms are bell-shaped and come in shades ranging from light lavender to deep purple. It is highly valued in floral arrangements for its beauty and long-lasting freshness in a vase.
- Stem length: 16-20 in / 40-50 cm
- Bloom size: approximately 2-2.3 in / 5-6 cm
- Grown in the Ecuador
- Suggested delivery date: 2 to 3 days before your event
- Average vase life: with proper care and handling, 5 to 7 days
Click here for the Lisianthus Care and Handling Guide
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