Brighten up a summer fete with this colorful Lovey-Dovey Mixed Bouquet filled with bright green, intense red, and pure white flowers. Displayed by Carnations, Alstroemeria, Pompom daisies, Hydrangeas, and Ruscus, this arrangement is perfect if you're looking for a unique gift for a loved one.
- Stem count: 15 stems per bouquet
- Stem length: 22 in / 55 cm
- Season: available all year round
- Grown in Colombia
- Suggested delivery date: 2 to 3 days before your event
- Average vase life: with proper care and handling, 7 to 10 days
- Vase not included
Click here for the Bouquets Care and Handling Guide
Please check out our Shipping and Cancellation Policies
Note: Not for human or animal consumption.
Brighten up a summer fete with this colorful Lovey-Dovey Mixed Bouquet filled with bright green, intense red, and pure white flowers. Displayed by Carnations, Alstroemeria, Pompom daisies, Hydrangeas, and Ruscus, this arrangement is perfect if you're looking for a unique gift for a loved one.
- Stem count: 15 stems per bouquet
- Stem length: 22 in / 55 cm
- Season: available all year round
- Grown in Colombia
- Suggested delivery date: 2 to 3 days before your event
- Average vase life: with proper care and handling, 7 to 10 days
- Vase not included
Click here for the Bouquets Care and Handling Guide
Please check out our Shipping and Cancellation Policies
Note: Not for human or animal consumption.