Our Razzle Dazzle Mixed Bouquet defines pure happiness. Its arranged with Gerberas, Pompom daisies, Alstroemeria, Carnations, Ruscus, Ornithogalum, and Mini Carnations that come in the happiest, sweetest orange, pink and red shades. If you're looking for a bouquet that will pop at any event, then this is the best option.
- Stem count: 24 stems per bouquet
- Stem length: 22 in / 55 cm
- Season: available all year round
- Grown in Colombia
- Suggested delivery date: 2 to 3 days before your event
- Average vase life: with proper care and handling, 7 to 10 days
- Vase not included
Click here for the Bouquets Care and Handling Guide
Please check out our Shipping, Cancellation and Refund Policies
Note: Not for human or animal consumption.
Our Razzle Dazzle Mixed Bouquet defines pure happiness. Its arranged with Gerberas, Pompom daisies, Alstroemeria, Carnations, Ruscus, Ornithogalum, and Mini Carnations that come in the happiest, sweetest orange, pink and red shades. If you're looking for a bouquet that will pop at any event, then this is the best option.
- Stem count: 24 stems per bouquet
- Stem length: 22 in / 55 cm
- Season: available all year round
- Grown in Colombia
- Suggested delivery date: 2 to 3 days before your event
- Average vase life: with proper care and handling, 7 to 10 days
- Vase not included
Click here for the Bouquets Care and Handling Guide
Please check out our Shipping, Cancellation and Refund Policies
Note: Not for human or animal consumption.