Our premium roses are available in a wide variety of colors and are sure to add elegance and class to any occasion. Our roses last twice as long as market-bought flowers! They are sustainably grown and are picked fresh from the farm and shipped directly to you.

  • Stem length: 20 in / 50 cm, 24 in / 60 cm
  • Bloom size: approximately 2.2 in / 5.5 cm
  • Season: available year-round
  • Grown in Ecuador
  • Suggested delivery date: 2 to 3 days before your event
  • Average vase life: with proper care and handling, approximately 7 days
  • Roses are packed in LAYERS within each bunch. The 1st layer contains 12 blooms and is visible from the top of the bunch, The 2nd layer contains 13 blooms and is not visible due to the protective wrap. 

    To confirm the number of roses in each bunch, flip the bunch over and count the number of stems.

Click here for the Roses Care and Handling Guide

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    Tibet Roses

    Regular price $145.98
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    Our premium roses are available in a wide variety of colors and are sure to add elegance and class to any occasion. Our roses last twice as long as market-bought flowers! They are sustainably grown and are picked fresh from the farm and shipped directly to you.

    • Stem length: 20 in / 50 cm, 24 in / 60 cm
    • Bloom size: approximately 2.2 in / 5.5 cm
    • Season: available year-round
    • Grown in Ecuador
    • Suggested delivery date: 2 to 3 days before your event
    • Average vase life: with proper care and handling, approximately 7 days
    • Roses are packed in LAYERS within each bunch. The 1st layer contains 12 blooms and is visible from the top of the bunch, The 2nd layer contains 13 blooms and is not visible due to the protective wrap. 

      To confirm the number of roses in each bunch, flip the bunch over and count the number of stems.

    Click here for the Roses Care and Handling Guide

    Please check out our Shipping, Cancellation and Refund Policies


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