Our premium roses are available in a wide variety of colors and are sure to add elegance and class to any occasion. Our roses last twice as long as market-bought flowers! They are sustainably grown and are picked fresh from the farm and shipped directly to you. This Assorted Garden Rose contains 1 bunch of Light pink, 1 bunch of hot pink, 1 bunch of novelty, and 1 bunch of yellow.
- Box contains 48 stems, 12 stems per bunch.
- Stem length: 20 in / 50 cm
- Bloom size: approximately 2 in / 5 cm
- Season: available year-round
- Grown in Ecuador
- Suggested delivery date: 2 to 3 days before your event
- Average vase life: with proper care and handling, 7 to 10 days
These Garden Roses are the grower's choice, the varieties you receive will rely on the farms' availability. PLEASE NOTE: The photo does not reflect the actual varieties you will receive.
Click here for the Roses Care and Handling Guide
Please check out our Shipping, Cancellation and Refund Policies
Note: Not for human or animal consumption.
Our premium roses are available in a wide variety of colors and are sure to add elegance and class to any occasion. Our roses last twice as long as market-bought flowers! They are sustainably grown and are picked fresh from the farm and shipped directly to you. This Assorted Garden Rose contains 1 bunch of Light pink, 1 bunch of hot pink, 1 bunch of novelty, and 1 bunch of yellow.
- Box contains 48 stems, 12 stems per bunch.
- Stem length: 20 in / 50 cm
- Bloom size: approximately 2 in / 5 cm
- Season: available year-round
- Grown in Ecuador
- Suggested delivery date: 2 to 3 days before your event
- Average vase life: with proper care and handling, 7 to 10 days
These Garden Roses are the grower's choice, the varieties you receive will rely on the farms' availability. PLEASE NOTE: The photo does not reflect the actual varieties you will receive.
Click here for the Roses Care and Handling Guide
Please check out our Shipping, Cancellation and Refund Policies
Note: Not for human or animal consumption.